There are plenty of articles on the Internet more or less endorsed the penis enlargement methods. If non-surgical methods have a big question mark, and the results are rather subjective, surgical methods can achieve visible results and long-term positive effects.
Is such a procedure necessary?
The vast majority of men have an average penis size 12- 18 cm during erection. According to recent studies, the sexual life of a couple can take place normally and with full satisfaction. A smaller or very small penis or a complex developed by a man on this issue may be reasons to call in surgical procedures to increase the length or thickness.
The procedure that I use to increase penis length is cutting the suspensory ligament that connects the penis to the pubic bone outside. In general, one can get an increase of 1- 2 cm .
To increase the thickness of the penis can appeal to an injection of fat taken from the abdomen of the patient.
The success of such operations depends largely on the expectations that every patient has. So before deciding such a procedure, each patient will be informed about the risks and benefits arising from such intervention.