Liposuction is the procedure whereby fat is absorbed in certain areas of the body.
Liposuction should be regarded as a complement to physical exercise and diets for weight reduction and not a solution in itself. This procedure is applied to reshape parts of the body where fat hasn’t been burned and removed harmoniously. Liposuction procedure can be carried in the arms, legs, abdomen, back or neck.
Generally, liposuction is performed in conjunction with other procedures to lift or tummy tuck to remove excess skin remaining after removal of adipose tissue or body fat. Depending on the area it applies this procedure and depending on the amount of fat to be removed, and the patient’s condition, I use one of the procedures of liposuction that have proven: liposuction with tumescence, liposuction ultrasound or liposuction with laser.
Even if relatively simple procedure, there is a certain amount of stress applied to the body which will be felt after surgery. It indicated therefore reserving postoperative days in which to limit the effort to be made.
All information regarding the pre-operative preparations and stages through which you pass after completion of the intervention are clearly displayed and detailed before the intervention.
What is liposuction surgery ?
To better understand what liposuction is, we must understand what is body fat and where it is stored. Adipose tissue consists of fat cells that store energy that would be used during periods in which the body is not fed enough.
This mechanism was developed during human evolution given the alternating periods where food was abundant with periods when resources were rare. Fortunately, today man can buy necessary food and more constant than it needs. Unfortunately, energy storage mechanisms by fat cells have not changed so that the body is fattening if energy intake exceeds consumption by physical activity.
Part of bodyfat is useful and used when needed. Some, however, so-called non-essential fat is deposited in different areas of the body and remains there in excess, causing an unsightly body shape and contributing to the deterioration of health. In women, fat is deposited mainly on thighs and hips. In men, fat is deposited primarily on the abdomen.
Fat removed is largely increasing energy consumption through the work we perform and controlling as much as possible intake of energy obtained from food. Some fat is eliminated, however, very difficult or not at all and this is where the liposuction procedure intervenes.
Body fat is deposited either in subcutaneous layers just under the skin or in the layers of depth. Action on the subcutaneous layers would behave major risks to the skin so that liposuction acts on deep layers of fat.
Liposuction involves melting the fat cells and their absorption. The most widely used method is the melting of these fat cells by introducing into the deep layers of the steel tube called a cannula to break the fat cells, which are then aspirated with a syringe pump or special.
Melting fat cells can also be made with radiofrequency or laser. These methods of removing fat deposits must be accompanied by specific massage procedures by which melted fat is removed using lymphatic system. These procedures are recommended, but only very small areas of fat deposits or for areas where it can not interfere with the classic method; for example in the face, arms or wrists.
When liposuction is effective?
Liposuction involves the intervention by that body fat is melted and then extracted through specific procedures. Liposuction can not, however, remove massive body fat, therefore, it must be understood as a procedure that complements the efforts of slimming through diet and exercise.
Liposuction can be effectively by removing the residual fat on the thighs, abdomen, arms, buttocks or back. It can be used to remove the mammary fat in men who have a fluffy chest, pronounced and unsightly.
This procedure is recommended especially when people have adopted a diet and a balanced lifestyle. The effects of this intervention can be quickly erased by bad diet or pronounced sedentariness.
How body tolerates the liposuction? What happens after surgery?
Liposuction is cataloged as a minimally invasive intervention. With the necessary precautions and typical examination for such an intervention, almost any body can tolerate this king of aestethic surgery.
Following an initial evaluation of the patient, there are the steps that precede intervention. Sometimes I recommend postponement of such procedure if the patient has too much body fat.
After the intervention, there are some general recommendations, customized from case to case, depending on the patient’s physical condition. Should be considered a minimum period of three weeks in which physical activities need to be restricted, and for 6 weeks intense sports or physical activities should be avoided. Also for 6 months is not recommended sun exposure. Thus, it takes a correlation of this kind of intervention with your holiday plans or intensive training.
When liposuction is not recommended?
When fat deposits are very high
When the patient has heart problems
When the patient suffers from diabetes
When the patient has a weakened immune system.
What do you get after a liposuction surgery?
Body reshaping by reducing fat deposits that can not be removed by diet or physical exercise
A toning areas subject to intervention
A better tone the entire body.